We have conducted a series of customer video vox pops at our off-airport car park at Gatwick, finding that UK traveller confidence is returning.
After speaking with our customers travelling through the car park during August and September, the feedback showed customers were happy and excited to be travelling again. Comments from travellers returning from holiday also highlighted how worthwhile it was to travel abroad and how much they were looking forward to travelling again soon.
To download the video in full, visit www.aph.com/customersvideo.
I don’t really need to say it’s been a tremendously difficult 20 months for the travel industry, so it’s great to see from our customer feedback that people have been longing to get away. Travellers have missed the freedom to travel however consumer confidence is clearly returning. With the further relaxation of travel restrictions in October, hopefully this will continue during the autumn and winter periods.
Nick Caunter, Managing Director of Airport Parking & Hotels (APH)